taking one step forward

creating better future

You can’t change who you are, you are you, and the world needs your specific skills. 

There is the magic way of living. Japanese may call it “IKIGAI” which can be roughly translated to “reason for being.” 

We all search for our special reason, but what if it is a lot simpler than most people think?

I am still alive, still creating, still have love that surrounds me and I can still find nature that is pristine and allows me to breathe freely. I have clean water which I can freely drink every day and nourish my body. 

That is more than most people can dream about. 

I appreciate my luck, but I also want to make sure I am not the last one to have this experience.

Directing films

and Additional services

Film directing is my jam, but I have many other skills.

Film directing

Pitch decks and TV bibles

Creative producer

Catching Special Moments

improv to bring out the creativity 

Acting and performing